Eczema Treatments
Eucerin Review
TweetEucerin comes in a pump and will gently pump out lotion to you at a single push. It also has a pretty large quantity for a lower price. When I ordered it I thought that it would be way too much, but I ended up using all of it. I thought it was fine as […]
Exederm Baby Bath Review
TweetThis is an unscented baby bath which is great because all of the other scented products I have tried have ended up upsetting my son and I would rather not have to deal with that issue anymore. Not only is it soft on his delicate skin, but it is also fun for him and helps […]
Asso Bar Review
TweetThe Asso Bar is described as a luxurious facial soap bar. Of course it comes in that type of package, as a bar of soap. It is not a lotion or anything like that. The bar contains real gold flakes. It is supposed to help in treating damaged skin, but the bar of soap itself […]
Exederm Baby Lotion Review
TweetThis is a product that comes in a standard lotion bottle. It is targeted towards children and is approved by the national eczema association. I had no idea what that meant at first, but apparently the criteria for being included in that registry is very rigorous. It is supposed to relieve dry, itchy, red, and […]
Vanicream Skin Cream Review
TweetThe Vanicream line takes the word vanity, and cream, and combines the two to make the word Vanicream. The word vanity usually has negative associations though, as this product should. It comes in many sizes, though the best bang for your buck would be the relatively huge 16 oz. or one pound tub of cream […]
Aveeno Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream Review
TweetAveeno claims on the description for their eczema therapy cream that it has been dermatologist recommended for over sixty years, which is misleading because it is a generalization that doesn’t necessarily correspond to the product at hand. The fact is, that is about how long Aveeno has been in business. Anyway, I heard from a […]
Eczema Dx
TweetThis product comes in a small brown oil bottle. Rather than containing things like cortisone and antihistamines, the only thing this oil uses are other essential oils which help to keep the skin moistened and placid. For some people that have their skin further irritated by cortisone I can understand why this might be a […]
Loma Lux Homepathic Medicine Eczema Review
TweetThis product comes in a bottle of one hundred tablets for the price of around a little less than 25 dollars. It is accepted by the FDA and unlike most pill treatments, has no negative side effects associated with it. It is simply a one dose a day pill without any complicated instructions associated with […]
Peaceful Mountain Eczema Rescue Review
TweetThis product is supposed to be an anti-viral and anti-fungal alternative to getting rid of the negative symptoms associated with skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. There are no unnatural or unhealthy ingredients in this product to speak of and they actually help to reduce inflammation and also treat the skin so it is […]
Aquaphor Review
TweetAquaphor comes in a small tub and the cream is applied like most beauty creams, generously applied to the face or other afflicted parts of your body by rubbing with your fingers. This cream is supposed to moisturize and it is supposed to also help with healing damaged skin and dealing with eczema related symptoms. […]