Eczema Treatments
Cutemol Emollient Cream
TweetThis product is advertised as being unconditionally guaranteed, which means the company that manufactures it is pretty confident in their ability to provide you with a quality product. The treatment comes in a small tub, and to add to its reputation, not only is it commonly recommended by dermatologists, but many even carry it in […]
Eczemaderm Review
Dermarest Eczema Medicated Lotion Review
TweetThis product claims that it functions as a great moisturizing lotion and also works as a cure for the symptoms of eczema such as rashes, inflammation, and irritations associated with minor skin conditions. Supervision is recommended. Product Details: Comes in a small box (4 oz.) and in addition to flower extracts and other natural […]
Heel BHI Eczema Review
TweetAccording to the site this pill bottle of 100 tablets should be sufficient to remove all of the negative effects associated with eczema such as itching and scaly skin, painful rashes and flaky skin. However, they take a homeopathic approach to medicine which has been proven under numerous tests to have little effectiveness. The actual […]
Adovia Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap Review
TweetThe good part about Adovia is that it is a decent form of treatment for many skin ailments. The site claims that it is good for eczema, psoriasis, and acne. While this is not outright false advertisement, it is a bit of hyperbole on their part. It will relieve some symptoms of each of these […]
All Stop Eczema Combo Pack Review
TweetIt says it right there on just about any description you can find on the internet. This combo pack is supposed to be used for mild cases of eczema. I stopped reading right there when I first saw it and thought it might not be a good idea. But reading the product description convinced me […]
Natralia Eczema & Psoriasis Cream Review
TweetThis medicine comes in the form of a small tube and is supposed to help relive itching, dryness, redness, and flaky scaly skin as well as most other symptoms of the major dermatological afflictions such as psoriasis and eczema. Because of this tube size, it does not have as much quantity as some other products, […]
All Terrain Kids Eczema Cream Review
TweetFirst of all look at the name All Terrain. What is the point of that anyway? At first I thought it sounded cool now I realize it was just a selling tactic. You aren’t going to have kids going through desert terrain or any of that kind of thing. There is no point in doing […]
Elta Tar Review
TweetElta Tar comes in a very small and thin tub. It is a powdery cream that is supposed to melt upon contact with skin. This allows it to provide greater moisturizing ability and gets rid of any fear of having greasy skin afterwards. Though this is not a usual method of treatment, it is apparently […]
Nature’s Pharma Eczema Cream Review
TweetThis product comes in a small squeeze bottle and is applied like any lotion or sun screen. According to the site for this product it is made for normal, dry, and tough skin alike and can handle many different skin types. In addition to this, the site lists no ingredients for this product. For what […]